Saturday, 4 May 2013

Under the Spell - Loire Valley, France

From the moment I heard about Loire Valley I had a strong desire to spend my holidays there :) It is such a charming place if one enjoys exploring French chateaus, gardens, parks and picturesque towns. And it is also famous for the white sparkling wine :)
I choose Blois town to stay and explore the area. Blois is gorgeous with its stunning chateau and old town. We went for a very nice dinner at Le Bistrot du Cuisinenier. The service in this restaurant can be a bit patchy but the food is very pleasant :)

I tried to capture the Loire Valley scenery, hope the photos will inspire to visit this region of central France too :)

The photos below are from the medieval Villandry Garden, Amboise, Château de Chenonceau, Château de Chambord and Blois.


  1. I love your pictures! What camera do you use? Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Leibster Award! Check out this link to find out more!
    I would love it if you could follow my blog!

  2. Thanks for the nomination Jac! I use Nikon D300S :)

    I am your new follower now xx

  3. Hi, you have a really lovely blog :)

    I have nominated you for a liebster award but I see someone else has already nominated you! :P

    Lucy xxx

  4. Hello,

    Very impressive visual blog with the historical outdoor photos, the colours and the depth. Way above average. I am always looking for reciprocal followings if this interests. Please have a good weekend.

    Dr. Russ Murray

    Dr. RNM


  5. Hello Dr. Murray, thanks for your kind comment! Have a lovely weekend too!

    1. Cheers, and you as well, Birute.

      My Dad is from Edinburgh. A very nice city.

